Tuesday, March 6, 2012


*made stromboli last night for dinner. it's an OLD favorite. and i didn't have time to take a picture before everyone ate every last bite! here's the recipe:

3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups water
2 pkg yeast
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup oil

1 pkg pepperoni
1/2 lb sliced ham
16 oz mozz cheese
oregano, garlic powder, parsley, basil

Combine all ingredients. Cover and let rise (an hour at least)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Divide dough in half. Spread out. Sprinkle seasoning. Put row of pepperoni, layer of ham and cover with cheese. Fold over to close so you have a long loaf. Bake 10-12 minutes. YUM!

*it was 24 degrees when i ran this morning. it's going to be 70 degrees later this week. spring is here i guess?!?

*sawyer and lincoln asked to watch the airplane video this morning. so we did. i hadn't watched it in months. we watched it often after we first got home. and then, it was just too painful for me to watch. it was such a happy,joyful day. and things here have been painful. and i just couldn't look back. i had to keep my eyes forward. forward and up to the One that is writing this story. not back. but today, it was good. i sobbed my eyes out. i am amazed over and over and over at His love and faithfulness in so many big and little ways. and all the people's faces that i saw in that video this morning? they literally let Him use them to be HIS hands to hug and bake and welcome and say, "YOU ARE LOVED - all 8 of you." such a gift that video is! it is GOOD to remember. it's ok to have seasons where you maybe can't - i had to take captive my thoughts and not them go certain places because i ONLY had the strength to be where i WAS, not where we had come from. but we show WHO HE IS by remembering.

cassada homecoming! from jenn gorrie on Vimeo.

*i'm over craving sugar. and sweets. and chips. but diet coke? will i ever stop craving it? we'll see...

ok. that was random but it's all i have for today!

1 comment:

susieloulou said...

The Diet Coke will come :-)