Friday, March 23, 2012


because of so MANY of you yesterday,

450,000 people in rural India will have access to sustainable clean water.
{over $50,000?!? amazing!!!}

reread that please. that is HUGE! thank you!!!!!!!

i'm so tired. body and mind. but my soul isn't. it's been a crazy week...but God is so strong. and He is my strength. i'm thankful!

i have 2 songs to share with you. i heard them both for the first time about 5 minutes apart. and have listened to them ever since.

i hope you enjoy them! and have a great weekend!!! i have so much more to say and share...but life needs me!

i'm going to make pat dance to this one with me tonight. shhh..he doesn't know yet. :-)

this one's totally country. but makes me cry AND laugh!

1 comment:

Courtney Cassada said...
