Thursday, December 15, 2011

rejoicing comes in the morning

"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, 
but rejoicing comes in the morning." 
Psalm 30:5

it's going to get a little deep. care to come with me?
doing my best to balance the deep thoughts with the simple, pure joy that IS this season.

the next few months are going to be hard in a weird way for my heart. 
and it has nothing {ok. nothing directly} to do with the sweet brown boys in my home.

i was depressed pretty much all last winter. 
there. i said it.
from about the end of august 2010 until sometime in feb/march of 2011. 
i remember the day it ended. the moment even. but i don't know the DATE.
i just remember when it happened. what i was doing. crazy? i know it sounds crazy. but it's the truth.
the darkness was there...i was fighting against it every hour of every day for MONTHS... and then, 

it was 6 months of darkness. NOTHING made it go away. there was a cloud over everything.
it was awful.

and the last couple months have been weird - going through the same moments that i did last year, and having to remember how it felt. there is a combination of sadness...remembering what i felt and knowing what i put my family through...and thankfulness...that it ended!

so, i anticipate more hard, weird moments. especially through the next couple weeks. 

so very thankful that the night is over and the morning came!

is everything beautiful and happy and great in our home?? no. 
but, my HEART is settled on the One that will get me through the painful moments, and the darkness is not wrapped around MY heart. it's a very different thing.

a little picture of joy - levi "helping" mix cookie dough :-)


Leighann said...

So glad you are feeling better than last year. Our God is faithful even through the valleys. Love you.

beckley said...

yeah. i'm familiar with the dark valley.

Ali said...

Praying the darkness stays away, but praying the memories of God's faithfulness during that time would remain new each day.