Wednesday, December 14, 2011


we have stretches of days where things are pretty good.
trust is building on all sides.
and peace settles in.
there are just moments of pain.

{"pain" - it's the word i use. i can't even describe it. a friend asked me to the other day. i stumbled and eventually opened my mouth and nothing came out. if you've been where we are, you know. if you haven't, i don't even know how to describe it. but pain seems to encompass a lot of what "it" is.}

and then there are days like today. it's been less than 4 hours. but it's already been a DAY of pain.

these are hard ones.

when i literally feel sick to my stomach. and question and doubt and run back to Him a million times over.

we'll get through it. that is helpful to know - now that we've been through this cycle many times.

and it will be fine, even good again.

but we do have these days and they are hard.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a stop, drop and pray day. :) Doing just that for you (and each of the littles) right now.

-Beth in Atlanta

Jill said...

I'm most encouraged that in the midst of the pain your reflex is to "run back to Him a million times over." That is God at work!

Megan said...

It is a straw kinda day :)