Friday, December 9, 2011

i must have missed the memo!

the one to the kids.

it said:

all children, do everything you are NOT supposed to do today.
over and over.
and over.

until your mom's head starts spinning around backwards.

and then keep on doing it.


dealightfulsavings said...

Glad I'm not the only one having that kind of morning. Christian had the worst time getting going this morning. Then we missed the bus...tried to catch the bus at another stop... missed that one too. Then he was crying b/c he loves to ride the bus. Really?? Hated sending him off to school upset. Makes me want to go get him and start over. Thank goodness it's Friday :)

Judy said...

Oh geez...that last comment was from me. See, I just can't get it together this morning ;)

Courtney said...

it's the full moon- I'm telling you. every mom I know has been echoing this sentiment for the last couple of days.

Ali said...

hope your day turns around soon. at least it's friday. hooray!

Katy said...

It's all the crazy fun of the season starts to overtake them. Josiah was in tears last night over a game we played. Seriously? My 9 year old? Tgif!!

Beckysblog said...

I would just like to speak with whoever it is that sends these memos out in the first place.