Friday, December 2, 2011


my headache is finally gone. i still had it this morning, so didn't run. but now it's gone. it could have been a number of things: my 6 children :-), pat's long hours, trying to finish christmas shopping, forgetting to eat (i always hated people that said they did that. it really can happen!) there's more. but i'm afraid my headache might come back if i keep thinking...

we've been home all day. i've been really trying to observe these 3 boys at home with me. they ALL have some stuff going on and i just can't figure out what is making them tick right now. some observations: EVERY time i look at lincoln...he is looking at me! wow. i really need to smile at him more. that's my takeaway from that. a smile from someone means the world, right?? that's what i'm going to do. sawyer? he needs touch. like bailey. and that is hard for me...well, not HARD, just not my natural tendency. i LOVE to touch him. levi? i don't know. mostly the thing i notice is he ALWAYS wants more water! so...he carries cups around all day - he probably has 6 cups all over the house full of water. fine with me!

i'm glad it's friday. i miss my older kids during the week. i look forward to really enjoying them on the weekends. i love how our relationships are changing as they get it's not just all ME giving to them, but they notice that i am a person, too and they give love back to me...willingly. it's just nice. 

i LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture {i will probably say that about quite a few...but i really do love this one!}


Peyton said...

I love it too! and I love you, and I love your kids, and I think you are the greatest. can't wait to see more pictures!

Christy said...

WOW----love these pictures!!!!!
MISS YOU lady!! I need to catch up on your life!!!


Renee said...

That's so funny about the water. Sora is obsessed with water. She is always thirsty. For like a year she could say 3 words. Mama, Nana (daddy) and wa-ur. I always say that if we ran out of water she'd be the first to die of dehydration b/c she's used to drinking so much each day. Strange to hear that Levi loves water too.

Amy said...

Love, love, love all the pictures!! Can't wait to see the rest! :)

jenn said...

this is one of my faves too :) so happy you are happy with all the your new header! yay! :)