Tuesday, August 30, 2011

public school

excited about this article...and this book.

i probably won't get the book or read it. i am not struggling with it. but it was nice to be validated in the reasons why WE chose this for OUR family (NOT saying it's right for EVERY family - PLEASE don't hear me say that!)

it's a family affair.
we school our kids at home in so many areas...even though they go to school.
we aren't sending our kids to public school out of ignorance OR laziness...it's a very intentional decision.

you know what??

i just have SUCH a strong desire for families to SEEK Him with the decisions for their family - and then to feel CONFIDENT in those decisions! i ACHE with that desire...

ok. enough about school...we are having an AWESOME day here and i want to get back to it!


Beckysblog said...

You are so right. God leads each family. If you are actively seeking Him then you'll know where you are to be and where your kids are to be...we arent made with cookie cutters.

Katy said...

AMEN AMEN!! You know me - i've said for YEARS and YEARS that I don't think anyone should make blanket, dogmatic statements about things - especially when it comes to children and education. You've got to take it year by year, child by child. And each family needs to decide for themselves what THEIR FAMILY has decided to do. What works for one child/family may not be the best thing for another child. We are SO confident in the decisions we have made for our children and their education and are so thankful for that. Loved the article!!!

Judy said...

thanks! Just ordered the book from amazon.