Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the rest of the rainy day

a snapshot of the kitchen island mid-afternoon...hot chocolate, toast with cinnamon and pink heart-shaped marshmallows that they made by themselves while i was on the phone and caused me to have to sweep the floor...again...because they made them so "well" :-), homework, lunchboxes...
i was trying to figure out rebekah's costume for an upcoming musical.
she is "whitebeard" - a pirate with a whitebeard :-)
i was frustrated...i hate spending money on stuff like that they will never be used again...but it's necessary to a degree.
i was trying to figure out the balance of that...and got cranky.

the kids picked up on it and gave me some space.
i know.
they are great.

while i was upstairs putting laundry away, they came up with a restaurant for dinner :-)
when i came down, and finished getting dinner ready, they said i had to sit down at the table.
then, joshua came and took my order...
we are excited that spring is coming!
unfortunately, most of those things were "out"...i ordered butter beef, noodles and water for EVERYone!
we had fancy silverware!
and, in honor of it being "the spring is coming restaurant", you get a "spring-y" barrette to wear in your hair :-)

1 comment:

Ali said...

Mason has a pair of pirate pants I made from black sweat pants. I just cut a big zigzag hem about mid calf (halloween pic on my blog). The fabric curls up on it's own. you could tie a scarf around her head or waist.