Thursday, March 24, 2011


*you should NOT google any ailment you have. no matter what, you will think you are dying...or at least on the verge of major surgery.

*i hate grocery shopping. it costs so much. and it's all gone in a few days. it also involves SO many little decisions at the store. which makes my brain tired. i always shop with a list. and never buy whats NOT on the list. but, i still hate it.

*but i LOVE lunch for less than $5 for the 3 of us sitting across from this face at sam's club. :-)
 {and he's pretty cute, too! although, is about the be the END of me...remembering how "3" is worse than "2"...and we're not even quite there! whew! here we go...}

*i hurry my kids too much.

*i am selfish. sometimes i'd rather go to the gym than play with my kids.

*i could not eat a meal all day. and just eat animal crackers. or trail mix. or gummy bears. i love to snack.

*my foot is feeling a bit better. it isn't throbbing anymore. it still hurts with every step i take. but i can put a little big of weight on that part of my foot without screaming. progress...

*fun homework for joshua today! "fill a cup to the brim with water. and then count how many pennies it takes to make the water overflow." 

*i don't realize how much i'm on my feet until i need to be OFF my feet. wow.

*i would think that i would be less tired at the end of the day since i'm not exercising. not true. my body might not be as tired. but my brain is just as tired. and, now, i remember that from last time {when i hurt my hip}

*actually, my body is still tired. in a different way. it just feels WEIRD. it's like it's going through withdrawal from exercise. things that normally don't hurt, hurt. i'm telling myself it must mean i needed a break and it is a good thing, overall, for my body. i'm pretty hard on it.

*i'm handling "not running" way better than i did last time. yes, i still threw a little temper tantrum on tuesday in my room. but, overall, i'm handling it better. growth, right? YES!

*God has been so real. so big. so WITH ME the last few months. they've been some of the hardest of my life. yet, some of the sweetest. the harder things have been, the more time i've needed to spend with Him. not in an "obligation" or "chore" kind of way. i WANT to. i NEED to. i have about 2 hours every afternoon when sawyer is napping and the 3 big ones are at school. for the last month of so, i've been consciously ending my "run around the house and get stuff done/check email and blogs" time early and spending the last 30 or so minutes right here....doing this...spending a few more minutes listening to Him. and it hasn't hurt my "to do" list at all. i actually think it might be helping. perspective is good.
*that blue chair has so many memories. we got it a little after rebekah was born. it was the first "real" furniture we bought. it's a "chair and a half"...fits 2 people {that like to be close to each other} perfectly :-). it's always been where i've done my "quiet time" - no matter where the chair was in our home. it's so comfy. i've cried so many tears in that chair. spent so many hours. asked so many questions. praised Him for so much.

*there has been some significant movement in rwanda in the last couple months. like, the most consistent movement we've seen in about 18 months. we were glad when it started a couple months ago...but tried not to get too excited. well, the approvals and referrals have continued coming for those at the "beginning" of the line and our excitement is growing a little bit. it's hard not to be guarded. we've just been through so much in this process. and anything can happen. but, good news. and lots of rejoicing for the families that have been waiting longer than us! praying the movement continues!!!

*sawyer hi-jacked my laundry basket while i was folding the clothes and made a "choo-choo train" with his cars :-)

*anyone else watch "off the map"? i don't know why. but i LOVE that show! {i have to close my eyes when they show the surgery stuff...and pat tells me when it's over. i do NOT have the stomach for that!}

*i am incapable of carrying on a conversation from about 5:30-7:30 pm. it's like my brain turns to mush. which makes things very awkward at the kids' sports practices...

*i am not good about washing sheets and towels. i won't admit how rarely i do it. just know that it's not often enough.

*i hope pat gets home soon...


Amy said...

I was just wondering tonight how long it's been since I washed sheets...

Carrie said...

Thanks for always keeping it real. Appreciate that about you! Praying for you to heal and feel well soon.

Kate and Geoff said...

I also like "Off the map". Geoff calls it "Greys Anatomy in the Jungle", so needless to say, I watch it when he's not home. :-)

Leighann said...

i love this post. not sure why, but i do. perhaps because it is the real you, from the heart. not edited. and i only wash our sheets once a month. the first week of the month... that's the way i remember to do it! now you know. :)

Megan said...

I hate all laundry. Sheets and towels are the worse...they pile up in the bottom of my closet until I can't get around them any more, and then they get washed. Excited to hear there is movement going on in Rwanda.