Saturday, February 12, 2011

letters to my kids: part 3

sweet sawyer,

i'm still trying to figure you go back and forth between being SO sweet and quiet like your brother...and being WILD and crazy like your sister, bailey. you keep me guessing!

those 2 boys at joshua's party last night didn't know what to do with you! one of them was an only child...and the other has 2 older brothers. they didn't know what to make of your messiness...and silly comments and laughter...and dancing :-) i loved watching them watch YOU.
tonight we went to the gym and all swam together while daddy and rebekah went out together.
you were a WILD man in the pool! this summer is going to be....interesting...

after the pool {and the CRAZINESS of trying to shower all 3 of you AND myself in the locker room at the gym} we went to chick fil a for dinner.

on they way the dark car with 1 weary mom and 3 tired {and quiet!} broke the silence and said,

i said, "yes?"

fun pool.
fun nuggets."

it was your way of saying you had a fun night...and thank you. it made it all worth it.
it WAS a fun night.

i love you, my sweet, crazy little boy!

love, mom

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