Monday, January 31, 2011

i don't know what i did

but this child is awesome at playing in his bed after he wakes up.
he stays in his crib for 3 hours every afternoon.
many days, lately, he's awake for the last hour.
but that last hour is when the older 3 are just getting home from school and doing their homework and asking me 3542 questions at the same time, so it is really helpful that he loves to stay and play in his bed.
he makes practically NO noise.
i'm not sure exactly what he does do...but i'm just thankful he's so content in his bed!


Michelle said...

That IS awesome!

Beckysblog said...

That is so cute!!! What a sweetie!

Courtney said...

I was JUST about to write about Berkley being this way! Today I was doing my bible study for this week and could hear him just playing and "talking" to himself so quietly and I thought, "What did I do to get so lucky?"! Hooray for sweet boys!

Michelle said...

Wow great post, happy birthday to all in your family!

Amy said...

Gretchen will do the same thing! I think it must be our awesome parenting skills. Right? :)

Megan said...

Danielle does this too. I'm not really sure why. She has a couple toys and her pacifier and I never even hear her until I go to get her. I keep being afraid that I am going to do something different to mess up and somehow break this. LOL!