a few weeks ago, my friend robyn, commissioned REBEKAH to make shirts for her 2 kids.
not me.
robyn GETS how rebekah GETS this adoption thing (and water thing...and loving others thing...she's amazing!) and she wanted to give her an opportunity to raise money for her 2 brothers to come home.
robyn, i can't thank you enough for this opportunity!
so, i bought the shirts.
rebekah picked out the fabric.
i helped her draw the shapes ("water drop" for jackson, "africa" for belle)
there were some learning moments...she cut out the first water drop very sloppily.
i made her re-do it.
lesson on doing things WELL. especially when you are doing them for someone else.
but we should always do things WELL!
she was nervous to push the pedal and guide it through the machine herself.
but i wanted her to feel the accomplishment...and she wouldn't if i did it for her.
so i encouraged her from behind (and prayed REALLY hard! because i wanted her to feel this accomplishment!)
and she did great.
it took FOREVER.
but she did great!!!
and i don't think she would have that light in her eyes if i had pushed the pedal or guided the shirt through the machine.
rebekah, i'm so so proud of who you are. of how you love everyone around you before yourself. you inspire me. i love you so so much!
here is the video of robyn's kids receiving their shirts. i SOBBED. to be a part of this whole big thing God is doing is just amazing.
i have no more words.
**edited to add: you WILL be able to order these from rebekah...more to come on this soon! (once our dossier is on it's way -we're SO close! and the yard sale is over in 2 weeks!!!!)
Tears in my eyes!! That was AMAZING!!!!
Both you and Robyn---absolutely amazing...
What a BEAUTIFUL experience...
that totally made my day :)
Ok so, we are in tears over here. what a wonderful lesson for all. Rebekah, what a FANTASTIC job you did with the shirts. Oh how proud we are of you. Thanks for helping mommy and daddy raise money for your precious brothers! We love you all.
I can see why you are so proud of her! And what a special and thoughtful friend to have Rebekah do it. Ok, but I had to laugh when I saw her son continue to look back into the bag a few times. It's like he was thinking, "Isn't there something else in here besides a shirt?" LOL.
every single bit of it.
I cried too, it's so sweet courtney and robyn (who I don't know but her kids are precious and that was such a great idea) we love rebecca so much, she is so special and is going to be a wonderful big sister to those 2 lucky boys
AWESOME JOB Rebekah! What a great idea, Robyn.
oh my gosh, precious. beautiful. wow.
praise God!
okay, courtney.
this is just too much.
i am going to have to come back when i can let it all sink in.
i'm writing my web site, and that stinks because that is so boring compared to this.
i love it.
i love all of it.
except, maybe, my camera skills and that it was Friday.
but the rest.
and i can't wait for the kids to see.
oh, they'll be so excited.
belle's face when she heard that there were two kids without a family- did you catch that? oh my heart.
thank you for rescuing the orphan.
and that rebekah, what a beautiful, beautiful girl.
oh, one more thing instead of writing my web site...
that broken water drop?
can we drop some redemption and resurrection theology in there?
WHAT can we do with that poorly cut water drop?
i'm nothing if not for redemption...
and a pretty big fan of resurrection...
yknow i can't sit and watch a water drop go to waste...
Oh, and I totally forgot this part, I got the idea when I was running. It was God saying, "Commission Rebekah. Tell her I love her. Tell her I'm proud of her for how she chooses to live. Don't let this get lost on her. She deserves to know."
that's where it started, where a God wanted his daughter to know of his joy in her, where a god wanted his daughter to know she is "his poema".
that's what he calls us in greek- we humans- "my poema". which is cool, because when we unrolls the creation of us, when he chose the creation account amongst the many that were in the running for canonization, he chose the poem. Not a creation list or description, but a poem. And then, in the NT, he refers to us as his "poema", or poem.
it ain't shabby. he doesn't leave us on this earth alone to do our best to bring about the collision of earth and heaven without encouragement and sheer joy in our very existence-- instead he sings over us, and calls us his "poem".
If that ain't rebekah, well then, i don't know what is.
(I'm going to send her a letter with that in it, so you can wait to share that with her if you'd like. Don't you think she'll like knowing where it says she is his poem? i'l pull the reference before then, as clearly i am not at the moment. :)
i just love her. she's amazing.
So precious, how awesome for all of you!!
Does she want to make more? I am a friend of Robyn's. I have a son who is almost 4 and there has been a lot of adoption talk and questions around here since the Haitian Earthquake. We'd love to join in if she's up for it. ---Amy Holck
amy...email me!
courtneycassada at gmail dot com!
this is so precious Courtney. as a mom, i can only imagine the joy in your heart over your little girl and the way she is choosing to live her life! imagine how God must love her...you...all of us!!! i'm overwhelmed by the thought of His love for us these days. you can totally see the light in her eyes in that photo! she must have felt that satisfying feeling that we get when we know we've done exactly what God wants from us!!! i hardly know what else to say. i'm just so encouraged to see God getting hold of a little heart like that...as He has done with Rebekah. to God be the glory!!!
that is SOOO exciting - i am SO proud of you - for how you have been so intentional with each of your kids along this journey...and SO proud of rebekah - for wanting to take part however she can and bless others along the way!!! so neat!
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