Wednesday, February 3, 2010

temporary home

can't remember the first time i heard this song...but it was on a special on tv...maybe at christmas time?

i loved it then.

and now it's on the radio often.

she has the most beautiful voice.
so so pure and sweet.

and the words...
This is our temporary home
It's not where we belong
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home

the phrase in there that really strikes me today is

"i'm not afraid"

i need to live like i believe that...that this isn't my Home...and i need to not put too much value on the things of this world...and i don't even mean "stuff"...but things like if i measure up to the other moms at school pick-up...caring too much about what they might think of me...
i need to live my days for Him...without fear of them.


Alden and Dorian said...

Oh the video is touching and so true. And yes, we so need to keep our eyes on God. Heaven is our home ~ sitting at the feet of Jesus ~ Hallelujah! We can get so tangled in life here on earth. Love your heart and how you communicate it to us.

Anonymous said...
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Tammy said...

never heard the song thank you. love it and there are tears streaming down my face right now.

Megan said...

Please do not bother yourself trying to see if you measure up to all the other moms at school pick-up! The truth is that most of us are just struggling along trying to do anything we can to measure up to YOU! Seriously! Those other moms at pick-up are likely thinking the same thing. Just do like you said and keep your focus on Him...the rest really does not matter.

Oh, and what is up with all the deleted comments on your blog removed by the administrator? You being hounded by someone or something? I know I am late reading and catching up, just seems I keep seeing deleted comments...I also couldn't comment on your orphanage post because you must have taken it down? Thanks for the post though, it is great to have more direction in praying for your kids!

Megan said...

Please do not bother yourself trying to see if you measure up to all the other moms at school pick-up! The truth is that most of us are just struggling along trying to do anything we can to measure up to YOU! Seriously! Those other moms at pick-up are likely thinking the same thing. Just do like you said and keep your focus on Him...the rest really does not matter.

Oh, and what is up with all the deleted comments on your blog removed by the administrator? You being hounded by someone or something? I know I am late reading and catching up, just seems I keep seeing deleted comments...I also couldn't comment on your orphanage post because you must have taken it down? Thanks for the post though, it is great to have more direction in praying for your kids!

Megan said...

And why are all my comments double posting? Eeek!