Thursday, February 18, 2010

the study

we are in the process of doing a lot of projects/re-organizing/re-arranging around here.
every time i have a baby i do a lot of things right before the baby is born because i feel like i'll never get out of the house again. which is never the case. but it just makes me feel better, i guess. more prepared or something.

well, this time is no different...and maybe even feels like we need to be MORE prepared...i'm thinking this is going to be our biggest adjustment yet. on one hand, i think expectations are a big factor. and if you expect life to be crazy and not normal...then that' what they will be. we've always just kinda gone about our "normal" life as much as possible and the adjustments for each child have been fine. BUT....i also know this is a whole different ballgame.

anyways, here's why we're doing so much right now:
i don't think we'll have a lot of extra time or energy to do house projects for awhile.
we haven't really done any house projects on this house since we moved in 3 years ago.
i'm trying to simplify our "stuff" as much as possible so it's less stressful for everyone.
and we need to do some of it just to move the kids around in their rooms and have a space ready for our new children!

one of the projects was getting our books under control.
we have {had!} books everywhere...a bookshelf in each bedroom with books...books in drawers in the living was ridiculous.

this used to be our study

i got 2 bookshelves on clearance from lowe's.
they were in about 57 pieces and we had to use no less than 60 nails/screws to put each one together.
it was a bonding experience :-)

once they were together, i told the kids to bring me every book they could find.
they were great at this job!
piles of books were on the floor of the study in no time.

doesn't that look kind of fun??

the top 3 shelves of each bookcase (there are 3...we had'll see it in a second) are "adult" books.
the bottom 2 shelves of each bookcase are kid books.

we have 1 whole shelf empty!
waiting for more wonderful books!!!
i had to take down a lot of the pictures on the wall...i moved them to another wall in that room.
and the pictures that are around the clock are all wedding pictures...of our parents, grandparents, and siblings.

this is the other shelf.
photo albums on the top...kid books on the bottom.

here's the other wall where i moved the pictures.

i put these books on the top of one of the bookshelves.
they are my "go to" books...when i need to grab a book and be encouraged...or challenged...

when the kids go to their rooms for naptime/bedtime, they get whatever books they want and then just bring them back down when they wake up. so far, it's working great!

oh, i LOVE books!!!
i have an "allowance" each spend on books or diet coke from chick fil a or fabric...and most months it goes to buy books :-)
this is what came in the mail today!
the top 2 books are for adopted children.
the bottom left book is a book on parenting teens...can't be too prepared, right??
and the bottom right book i'm seeing everywhere...and our pastor plugged it on sunday and he rarely plugs i have to read it! can't WAIT! more books to add to my nightstand :-)


Beckysblog said...

We have the same problem in our house. We actually had to have a 'book ban' for awhile...NO ONE BUY US BOOKS!
Nice problem to have!

Looks great in there!

Kim Mattes said...

so i am just curious...did you have to get rid of books or did you just reoganize? we are having a book "problem" here too. they are overtaking our house. and seriously i love books and i love having this problem...but still we have to do something about it!

Courtney said...

The picture of your kids surrounded by books looks like HEAVEN to me.
And Whoever You Are was one of the first books I bought of my favorites!

Michelle said...

I love it, looks great!!

Katy said...

gorgeous bookshelves - what a find! and i LOVE books - could spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on them i think! :)

Tammy said...

you really are doing a lot of work. looks great. when you are done, do you want to start on my house. :) i love your house!!!

Ali said...

Looking good! Wishing you good nest for me :)

jenn said...

love them! you have been busy! great work :)

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Julie said...

I love it Courtney, I know you have been wanting to do that for a while....what a blessing!!!!! I love all those books and love to read too. It is hard to get english books here, so I love that we can go to the english library...but that might actually I am bummed about that. But I love what we have and we read a lot!!!

Allie said...

We love books too! And they are taking over our home as well. :) We're trying to figure out what to do about that without actually stopping buying them...