Friday, February 12, 2010

smiles in the snow

i have some posts i'd like to write...but LIFE keeps happening!

another great day around shopping done - even a "new" grocery store that has lots of healthy food!

i think i've decided we'll do organic meat, milk and eggs for now...little by little...

the first half of our day was "chores and errands" so i took the kids sledding this afternoon.

the sun was out and it was so beautiful!

check out the air they are getting!

he was so cute.
mostly content to just watch from the top of the hill.
which was good.
because it took a LOT of work to carry him back to the top of the hill.
the hill is mostly a sheet of ice at this's hard to get any traction!

bailey had to climb up the hill on all fours!

eating snow...

these 2 don't get along that well normally.
until they go to bed {they share a room} and all of a sudden, once we put them to bed, there's all kinds of laughter and fun between them.

anyways, it was fun to see them enjoying each other out in the open today :-)

and he just loves it.
being outside.
all of it.

but our time ended on a very sad note.
i had just said, "2 minutes, guys!"
we had to get home and do dinner before our Bible study tonight.
on joshua's last trip down the hill he landed wrong and bit his lip.
it looks awful.
make my stomach turn.
his sweet smile quickly went away...

he's one tough kid though...

at least he didn't lose any teeth.


Beckysblog said...

oh wow, what a wipe out! Poor guy!

Julie said...

that is so sad... hugs to joshua!!!

Peyton said...

that kid has the worst luck! I want a tube, that looks so fun

Katy said...

that poor guy and his MOUTH injuries! it kills me!