Sunday, February 14, 2010

chocolate covered strawberries

who knew something so simple would be so great?!?

a HUGE hit!

and SUPER cute in the hands of a 19 month old!!! :-)

signing off for 24 hours or so...

soaking in the last day of this amazing snowstorm vacation.
this has seriously been the most amazing 10 days or so.
it was so nice to slow down...hard for me in some respects and hasn't been without it's moments...but once i got into it, it was wonderful. and a lot more time for my brain to think/ponder watch out for me to process some of that here :-)

pat and the kids have off for presidents' day the vacation continues.
we have a lot on our "to do" list tomorrow...but, hey, it's a monday and we're all doing it together so it will still be fun and special.

and they've already called a 1 hour delay for tues morning (because so many kids will have to walk in the streets to get to school/bus stops and they want the commuters off the roads first) so that will be a nice way to ease us into real life again!


Anonymous said...
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Katy said...

i'm so thankful for the special gift of a mini-vacation that you guys got! i know it's not been completely perfect and easy...(i KNOW how messy snow is with 4 little kids!), but I know it was restful too so that's a blessing!!! tomorrow is back to normal for everyone, right? :)