Friday, January 8, 2010

"holiday" parties...

both kids "holiday" {NOT Christmas...bah...} parties were cancelled because of the big snow storm we had right before Christmas {they missed the last 2 days of school} so they were rescheduled for this week...

i managed to get to both of them!
not an easy task...but worth it!

joshua's was short and sweet...they decorated sugar cookies.

very fun to see joshua interact in the classroom.
he is a teacher's dream.

rebekah's was more involved...and longer.
2 crafts.
gingerbread house.

sawyer was a HIT with all the little girls :-)

and i'm exhausted.
partying {and another snow delay and the gym and grocery shopping and naptime for little ones} is hard work!

1 comment:

Katy said...

when i heard that school was cancelled b/c of the snow, i was sad for all the kids who would miss out on their christmas parties. i'm glad they still got to celebrate them (even if they were "holiday"!!!)