{warning: when i don't feel well, i get emotional and weepy. that's where i am. 2+ weeks of not feeling well. i've been trying to ignore it. but have had a headache pretty much consistently for 3 days (on second thought...maybe that's a result of the constant diet of candy after not eating candy for months! i am claiming it's from the incessant coughing) i think my body is filled to my toes with snot - i just keep blowing and blowing and it never stops.}
this morning i am feeling so very blessed.
to the point of tears when i allow my brain to think and thank Him.
thankful for my 4 healthy children.
that are happy and smiling and playing together.
i do not take that...any bit of it...for granted.
thankful for a husband that can laugh with me in the middle of an argument.
thankful that i never doubt his love...even when i'm frustrated with him.
thankful for a healthy body that can still swim and run even when i don't feel great.
i need this to keep me sane.
thankful for friends to call and tell that ChickFilA has their peppermint milkshakes again.
and they get it.
and are just as excited as i am! :-)
thankful for the many opportunities to be a part of HUGE things God is doing around us.
thankful for the sunshine today.
and the cool, brisk temperatures.
and my warm house.
thankful for His mercy and grace.
thankful for how He gently leads my heart.
thankful for today.
what an encouraging post to read :)
now i'm super thankful too!
seriously - peppermint milkshakes are out? i'm going to need a raincheck for those...heading to CA where they don't HAVE chick-fil-a...but i'll be thinking about it all weekend! i hate that you still aren't quite right - especially the headache part. but in the midst of it all, we have MUCh to be thankful for. and i'm thankful for you my friend!
i'm thankful for YOU!!
...oh yeah, AND those milkshakes :)
Hope you start feeling better soon!
Oh no...now I have to start being strong against getting a milkshake every day when I drive past the Chick Fil A! I hope you are feeling better soon!!
So sorry you are sick, but I do love this emotional post. We do have SO MUCH to be thankful for. And did you just say he peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes are back???? Does being pregnant mean I get to have two per day instead of just one?
I am so sorry you are sick.. I will pray for you before bed! I am excited that the peppermint milkshakes are back, and I get to try one this year...I remember you talking about them all last year. So fun!
wow, that was beautiful!
Thanks!! :)
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