Friday, August 14, 2009

totally trucks

went to another one of these "truck" events this morning!

joshua especially loved it.

climbing on all the "equipment" and honking horns.

bailey just liked telling other people her rules:
"my sister is next"
"you have to get down on that side"

the highlight for the kids was watching the guys actually pick up dirt with the "dumpdozer" (that's what joshua calls it) and put it in the dump truck

and we ran into friends there!
extra bonus!

the highlight for me was at the end...the firetruck was leaving...and sawyer WAVED "bye bye" to it for the first time!!! so cute! {and i didn't even get 1 single picture of that cute little boy from this morning...}


Peyton said...

I, of course, forgot my camera, maybe I will just photoshop caroline into some of your pictures. love you guys!
ps. did you hear caroline yelling when bailey left? she was so sad!

Beckysblog said...

Sullivan would not have been able to contain himself!

Megan said...

I'm impressed you did this whole post and didn't make any comment about how HOT it was! Way to focus on the positives! And good job cute Sawyer with your first wave!