Monday, August 10, 2009

pretty sure i won't be going to a portrait studio for a long time...

when i can get pictures this good with way less time, effort and money!

sorry...there are a lot...i couldn't pick!

{i love how sawyer's tongue is sticking out in this one!}

and i can't even express what my heart does when i look at this...stops beating...or feels like it might explode...oh, the LIFE that kids bring is like nothing else!


Beckysblog said...


Kim Mattes said...

these are ADORABLE!!!!

Tisha said...

My heart stops beating and feels like it's going to explode when I look at that last picture, and they're not even my kids!! You're right, they are full of life.
I like the first one of Sawyer best : )

The Faircloth Five said...

Oooooooooh, that last one of the kids laughing definitely has to go in a frame!!!! It's perfect!

Alden and Dorian said...

Courtney ~ these pictures are absolutely AMAZING! WOW! Grandma will want some copies of these for sure. Love the pics and the kids!!!!

Amy said...

LOVE these pictures! Great job!

Kate and Geoff said...

great pictures! love the laughing, love the outfits (especially sawyers), love the freckles and the suntans. love that blue wall of the house.

and i think you should open your own portrait studio and have people pay YOU....i'm just sayin'... ;-)

Michelle said...

Truly beautiful. What a lovely pictures you took and Sawyer looks so much like Joshua, ssoooo cute. Make sure you get some good frames for all those pictures, especially the one of the 4 kids. Nicely done.