Friday, August 14, 2009

oh, i fail...and getting ready for fall

i am a pretty positive person.
i try to be, at least.

but i realize that maybe it seems like i rarely fail
{i assume you know i do...but i just want to make sure!}
because i try not to complain and count my blessings and all that.

but i fail A LOT.

i say things i shouldn't.
i snap at my kids. and my husband. more often than i would like to admit.
i am so selfish.
i eat ice cream for dinner :-)
i try to take control of my days instead of handing them over to Him.
and when i do hand them over to Him...i take them back...

and i failed in my "plans" for our summer many times.
*we only did "ministry monday" 3 of the *lots* of weeks of the summer.
*we did school many afternoons...but not at all this week.
i just couldn't get my act together after being on vacation last week!
*we have read less this summer than we do the rest of the year (i guess we're just outside more...which is good...but i think it's so important and good to be reading to them)
*i still haven't lost that last 5 pounds.

but...moving that you know all my failures :-)...fall is around the corner and there are little signs around here!

backpacks (2!! joshua is going to school!!!) filled with school supplies (all of them except the white model magic clay - WHY is that a school supply? seriously??)

and a new, updated chore list (just turned last years you can see through it on the'll move to the closet once they know their chores) we started this week. wanted to get them in their "new groove" before school starts. i added a couple new chores for each of them.

it's cute how excited they are about them this week :-)
this is what rebekah did for each of us when she set the table the other night!
ribbon, markers and stickers! (you should have seen what the marker did when we actually wiped our faces!!! hee hee!)

so, to sum up:
i fail a lot
but i press on
fall is coming and we're getting prepared
but we are soaking up every last bit of summer we can

have a GREAT friday!!


beckley said...

So there was this guy at the Willow Creek LEadership conference last week (from mosaic, maybe?) who said "failure is the new success." Why? because sometimes success does little but perpetuate something that was never supposed to happen in the first place. And we create cultural norms that affirm our "success" when maybe we were never supposed to be there in the first place.

You know, how snapping at your kids provides the chance to apologize and model that. And model apologizing to your spouse.

3 times this summer? wow. nice job. ministry mondays is awesome, and i love it. 3 times? well done. in a summer context, that's fantastic.

So, fail. Flail. Because Failure is the new success. It breeds all kinds of fun and ideas. Well, and so does Flailure. But that's mine. I won't attribute that to that smart guy :)

But thanks for your honesty that you're not perfect. But you are amazing :)

I drank too much coffee :)

Michelle said...

I like what your friend Becky said, she said it all beautifully and try not be so hard on yourself, you are perfectly and wonderfully made.

Kim Mattes said...

i failed at some of my summer goals too and some of them were the same ones that you felt like you failed at too. but we did have lots of fun and spent lots of quality time together doing some other things. so i am focusing on that and just loving on my precious girls before we start the more hectic fall routine. i like that quote "failure is the new success". have a great weekend!

Beckysblog said...

If we didnt fail...Jesus wouldnt have had to die for us!

beckley said...

I forgot.

Your monday thing spawned the idea for the momosphere to launch the same-day water for christmas campaign. that will multiply many times over.

then you'll be in a surplus :)

we need to get on that, btw. when shall we start planning?

Katy said...

we've got to get our chore chart ready too - i'm their backpacks!!!