Monday, August 10, 2009

migraine...this was NOT the day

that i wanted to see you again.
i have a list a mile long.
one being to spend some time with the them...not hugging them.


my list will wait.

but this was NOT my plan for today.


Kim Mattes said...

oh i am so sorry! i pray that you can get some relief soon. hang in there! the list will be there tomorrow (and the next day) but i know how it is when you come back from vacation. take care and rest.

Beckysblog said...

Been there. Yesterday actually.
The toilet and I were the best of friends.

Feel better soon.

Holly said...

oh no!!!!

Ali said...

ugh, so sorry friend. that definitely doesn't help the transition.

Katy said...

oh man are you kidding? praying it's short-lived...and pat will come home not late (i almost said early, but i know how that is. i'll stick with not late) :)

Julie said...

i am so sorry, I am praying that you feel better to get done what you need to!