Saturday, August 15, 2009

being a mom

walking in the door after running 10 miles and 26 minutes later walking back out to head to the farm. in those 26 minutes i: took a shower, changed a baby, did a 4 yr old's hair, ate the yummy waffle and eggs that were waiting for me, packed lunches and water bottles for all 6 of us, put sunscreen on some cute kids, looked at pictures drawn while i was running, and kissed most of their faces {and blogged! :-)}

i love being a mom!


Beckysblog said...

we are speedy!

Alden and Dorian said...

You make me tired ~ but sounds like a fun day! I commend you in your YOUTH!

Leah said...

Wow. I can not believe you got ALL THAT done in 26 min. Incredible.

Megan said...

No wonder you get so much done all the time. Do you always move at lightning speed? Did you really taste the yummy food?