Monday, June 15, 2009


i don't know about you guys...but water is becoming very important around here.
it's getting hot.
and their little cheeks get pink so quickly...
we hardly leave the house without everyone having their water bottles filled up and in their hands.
i used to not think twice about it.

but thanks to Jody...and many others...water is something that i look at differently these days.
i don't take it for granted {or try not to}.
i can't imagine knowing that my kids NEED water...and i have to walk 2 miles to get it...or there isn't even any to get...or once i get that water and they drink it that it might give them a disease and they will die.

almost unbelievable to me.
except it's not.
i've heard enough.
and seen enough to know it IS believeable and reality for many moms. is pushing a bill right now...the Durbin-Corker Water for the World Act of 2009...go here to sign it. Economically, water is one of the smartest poverty-fighting investments we can make. In fact, every $1 spent on water and sanitation generates a return of $8 in saved time, increased productivity and reduced health costs in Africa. {taken from}

and go here to join us in fighting this problem.

if nothing time you fill up your kid's cup or water bottle...pray for those mom's wishing they could be doing the same!


Tisha said...

Will do. We also think about water very differently, and much more frequently. This is the very least we can do!

Kim Mattes said...

completely agree...something so small but so HUGE!!!! my girls chose for their "blessing project" this summer to raise money for clean water in africa. i love it!! lots of fun ideas that THEY have come up with as well as some suggestions from me to raise $$. can't wait to do some of them but it is hard because i want to do them ALL right NOW!! patience for perfect timing. :)