Friday, May 1, 2009

switching the focus here...

i've given it a lot of thought {too much really...} and i'm not ready to tell how i see myself.
i do have a post that i've wanted to do for MONTHS that i might get to later today and i think that will, in a roundabout way, answer how i see myself...

but, let's switch the focus a bit...

have you all been following this group of bloggers? {just click on any of their names on the right side of that page - they are each posting their own perspective}
in India?
Kolkuta to be exact (used to be Calcutta)
{this is what would be a neighborhood there}
picture taken from Shaun Groves blog

with Compassion International??

if not, you need to.
their stories are so sad. so inspiring. so awful. and so REAL.
which is why you need to read them.
but be ready to be in tears and sick to your stomach.
and also in awe of our God that cares for these people in such real ways.


Holly said...

I have been and it's been consuming large portions of my heart/mind every day.

beckley said...

thanks for posting, courtney.