Wednesday, May 13, 2009

biking tips?!?

not sure how many bikers/triathletes there are reading this here little blog...but...

i signed up for a sprint triathlon yesterday (!) and it's in 2 weeks (!) so i got out on my bike this afternoon {pat came home early to see rebekah in a musical this afternoon because he will be at tball for the evening performance}. the triathlon is basically IN our neighborhood - so i rode the route {12 miles}. first of all...KILLER hills! whew! then i got off and ran 1 1/2 miles (really i'll have to run 3.2 miles, but i just needed to get the "feel" of that transition again...)

first, i have no idea how to use the gears. should i be pedaling hard or easy on flat parts? and i have no idea how to do the hills. can i just get off and walk it?? :-)
second, can i "coast" down hills?? i mean, i was going 25 i have to make it so hard that i'm still pushing??
third, i guess i breathe through my mouth when i exercise. and lots of bugs get in there. GROSS! is it even possible to breathe through your nose while riding a bike 12 miles??

i'm excited.
and i'm not trying to win or anything.
i'm just excited to do it and i know it will be fun!

off to watch a sweet 2nd grade musical.
pat's at tball with joshua.
busy days...busy days...but loads of fun!


Katy said...

NO Idea!!!! Didn't Cary do some triathalons? Kelli did one sprint one long ago before she got hooked on the marathons. I know the transitions are the KILLERS - but you'll rock it. I know you've been dying to do another one for so long!

Peyton said...

is this the one where she is a squirrel?

Courtney said...

yes, she was a squirrel :-)a very adorable squirrel.

Courtney said...

and, yes, Cary has done some triathlons and some IRONMANS...and, like WINS them. totally different league there. i'm in the "baby" league :-)

Christy said...

ha! you're so cute courtney!!!

I don't have much advice :)

but you want it in an easy gear going up the hills (you'll go slow but won't loose momentum) and you definitely can coast going down...then you want the gears in a reasonable resistance on the its hard, but not unbearable...there are little computers that can track your cadence but for now just find a resistance that feels comfortable to you! and have FUN!!! :)

Leighann said...

My sister and I want to do a triathalon sprint, but um, first i need to consistently work out... oh, and get some stamina.

Christy said...

by the way, I'm SO jealous you have triathlons in your NEIGHBORHOOD...what the heck??!! :) that is awesome!!!


Tisha said...

When I first glanced at this, I thought it said "baking tips" Yes! I thought. I bake my days away, surely I could offer a tip or 2. Whatcha need? Then, I started reading. : )
No biking tips. Sorry.
Wishing you well on that adventure ;-)