Tuesday, April 7, 2009

pushing on

still have a fever...and i can't swallow.
went back and forth between being drenched in sweat and FREEZING so much that i needed a blanket on top of the down comforter last night. yuck.

but it's spring break.
so we're headed to an indoor pool.
and we're going to have FUN.


Beckysblog said...

oh you poor thing!
Take it slow!

Katy said...

you don't think it's strep throat do you? i'd hate for you to try and push through only to find later that antibiotics would have knocked it right out! plus that thing is so contagious that i hope your kids don't get it!!!!

jenn said...

So sorry you are feeling so blah :( Try to take it easy, ok??

Julie said...

I am so sorry you are sick. Honestly mom's shouldn't ever be sick!