Thursday, April 30, 2009


i'm realizing that i'm more of an introvert than an extrovert.
and i really don't see myself that way.
have i changed?
has my life changed me?

just had a conversation with someone that is good at being honest.
the way she sees me is not the way i see myself...and i'm trying to figure out if she's wrong, or if i'm in denial, and if i'm ok with it all...


Christy said...

hmmmmm....very good questions....Brian and I have had some of the same...good to think about. Maybe we change? Maybe we become more comfortable with who we really are? (maybe we're just tired?? ha! just kidding!!)


beckley said...

resonating with both of you...

we have these conversations, too. Meyer's Briggs- I used to be a strong E, but now I register almost precisely in the middle of E and I- which, I hear, is very, very weird.

So, I'm very, very weird. That's all I got. Not sure what I'm am, except that I'm weird.

which is cool. weird is cool : )

Alden and Dorian said...

I do believe we are different "types" in different situations. You are a type A when you are at home...being mom, or when you were a teacher. You might be more of an intovert in crowds....and prefer one on one to "chit chatting" with lots of people. Very normal. Very YOU. God created and we love you just the way you are. Now, tell us, who you see yourself as. With much love, Mom

Tisha said...

Liked reading your mom's description of you! Her words are always warm and wonderful!
I feel much like she described you. Not big on crowds, but LOVE small group or one on one conversation, very take charge at home-have changed much over time, becoming more introverted with age-realizing I don't need to be "out there" involved in everything, talking to everyone.
I also hope you tell us how you see yourself!
Gosh, that was a long comment ;-)

Michelle said...

Even though I really enjoy spending time with people and love having lots of friends, to me being an introvert means that I get energy or feel rejuvenated after time by myself. I need that time in order to recharge for the next round of activities. I see you doing the same thing...enjoying your crafts, running, blogging...all things you can do on your own for a little while in the midst of your busy life.

Judi said...

Courtney, how neat that you are even thinking this way. God uses us in different situations, in different ways. I read your Mom's comment and that was exactly how I was going to respond but she beat me to it. If we were the same type all the time how would God use us to fulfill the work He has for us? Sometimes we need to be bold, sometimes quiet, sometimes gentle, sometimes we need to be the observer etc. Praise God that He's the one who motivates our "type" to suit the situation He has for us. This just tells me that you are moldable for His use! You are precious girl!

Katy said...

interesting. something to chew on for sure. i think different stages of life bring out different characteristics. david just did a new test on me a couple months ago - the meyers-briggs temperament test, and it had changed slightly.