{but we all know that, huh?}
FIRST OF ALL...THANK YOU for your sweet comments/encouragement/support/lectures :-)
IF i could cry, i would have! they were so nice!!
our "plan" for spring break was that we weren't going to GO anywhere.
but pat was going to take 2 days off and we were going to go to the zoo and a surprise dinner as a family. both of those things were planned for today. reservations made for dinner.
so, this morning i packed our lunches, backpacks, diaper bag, etc.
got the kids loaded up and excited about our "surprise!"
we drove {an hour!} to the zoo...to have ALL the parking lots be full.
we turned right around and headed back home.
i would have cried if i could have...
but, then, halfway home i remembered this park.
we've been there a couple times, but pat never had.
so we went there.
and had a picnic.
not quite the zoo...but i think the kids still had fun.
and i was feeling SO awful by the end, i can't imagine what i would have felt like at the zoo. that would have been a lot more walking. so, maybe, {and i hate to admit this :-)} it was for the best that our plans got changed.
we got home and took naps.
and i have felt even MORE awful this afternoon/evening.
we had to change our reservations for dinner to saturday {i will be feeling better by then, right?} and just improvise for dinner.
i don't know what else to say.
tomorrow is my birthday.
i had great plans to run 10 miles or something - i was looking forward to that!
but i can hardly SIT UP.
it's supposed to rain. {which really is fine because i could hardly enjoy the beautiful weather today....the sunshine hurt my HEAD so much!}
i'm ok though.
frustrated, annoyed, but ok.
some bright spots:
this morning, first thing, rebekah said, "mom, are you feeling better?" with a very hopeful tone.
i said, "not really."
she said, "but i prayed for you."
oh, my heart!
we had a good conversation about how God always HEARS our prayers...but sometimes doesn't answer them the way WE want.
tonight, we were praying before bed and this was part of baileys:
"i pray you would help she feel better." "she" is ME, obviously. i love how she mixes up her pronouns.
and, since i can't really eat anything, maybe i'll lose a bit of weight!
although, i haven't been able to run and all that feels good on my throat is ice cream, so maybe not...
i'm so thankful that pat will be home tomorrow.
no matter how i end up feeling or what we end up doing, i love being with him and it's such a gift to have him home!
Tomorrow is your birthday!!
It was fun to read about your day today ;-) Adjusting expectations is SO HARD to do. Dealing with disappointment, not fun. Being sick, awful. Glad to hear you're getting through it the best you can and enjoying time with your precious people, in spite of the less than ideal circumstances.
i am with rebekah on this one..."but i prayed for you!" i am so sorry that you are feeling so yucky. it is frustrating, but i am thankful that you are able to have a slower paced week and not have to rush around in the morning to get everyone out the door etc...i pray that you have a miraculous recovery overnight and that your birthday is super special with your super special people. (and even if you don't recover fully by tomorrow, at least you will still be with your super special people!) praying for you!
Happy Birthday Courtney... I am so sorry you aren't feeling well... but all that means is if you aren't... you change your plans to a day that you ARE feeling well. HUGS dear friend, I am so sorry you aren't well. Praying today goes better with Pat home!!!
feeling better??!?
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