about everything.
it gets her far with her 2 older siblings.
{and she tries to get far with me... :-)}
she is one tough little cookie.
way tougher than the other 3.
there is a part of me that worries.
i worry why God gave her the "fight" that she has inside of her.
what is going to happen to her that is going to require that much fight??
but i have to let go of that worry.
and i do.
i just hand her to Him.
and at least she's 3 years old.
she still needs to hold desperately to her pink bear blanket...
...while sucking her thumb...
when she feels crummy and has a temperature of 103 for the 5th day in a row.
{she still fought to be the one to pick the book before naptime...right after lunch, "i can't eat my lunch, mom. why? because i can't breathe when i chew!" and after asking to go lay down for her nap}
really, she and Samantha sound like they'd be either super good friends or mortal enemies...they are so much alike!
it's the worst. when the spunkiest one is just laying around. oooh, i just hate that it's lasted so long. and how pitiful about not being able to eat because she can't breathe. that's the worst! hang in there bailey...and courtney!!
i know- i hear ya. i have one. (i might just be one.)
maybe one day when she's like 22 she'll draw a nametag in a worship service and it will read, "overcoming one," and then it will happen a second time on another day and she'll start to wonder if *that's* what's been inside her all along. maybe then she'll take on the world for its bettering. and she'll know she can do it because she has the most loving and supporting family ever. and a mama who's set a fine, fine example for her.
i've heard that kind of stuff can happen.
what a mom you all your kids.
Poor girl. Those are some awfully sweet pictures!
She sounds so much like my Avery.
My mom has always told me, "The one you feel that you can do the least with...will amaze you the most and make you the most proud."
It's quite encouraging to hear that you have a fighter too and I'm enjoying everyone elses comments too! Sometimes it's just nice to be reminded that you're not alone in parenting a difficult child!!
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