Friday, January 30, 2009

you might not recognize me today

i'm going to see "real" people 3 times - once at Sawyer's 6 month check-up, once at lunch at Rebekah's school, and again at Bible study tonight.

so, i went all out.
put on clothes other than "workout" clothes.
put on make-up.
and dried my hair.

(if you truly ARE going to see me, don't get too excited.
it's just khaki pants and a red shirt.
and my make-up takes all of 60 seconds to apply - so not much improvement from my normal puffy, white face :-))


Christy said...

OH! I'm so jealous!! :) That was one of my "new yr's goals" shower and dress every day, and well...may need to save that one till 2010! ha!! I bet you look gorgeous!!! always do :)

Megan said...

You were kidding about the puffy thing, right? I have known you almost ten years now and the only time I have ever seen your face puffy is when you were nine months pregnant. So I do hope you don't actually think your face is ever puffy. Because that would mean my face is the size of a watermelon. ;-)