Monday, January 5, 2009


i was just doing school with joshua and bailey.
we're working on recognizing letters with bailey.
she only recognizes a few at this point.

if i point to one that she doesn't know, she just says any letter, but with COMPLETE confidence.
(even though she's saying a "j" is an "s".)

i pointed to an "i".
she said,
"it's an i with a polka dot." :-)


beckley said...

belle does the same thing. An R is a "BBHEEEEEE!" Well, actually she knows B. B, and E. That's it. jackson knew his letters at 17 months (4 years ago); belle just turned 3, yet she boasts the very same confidence of her 5/yr/old brother. i applaud the confidence; it's got to count for something, right? :)

Beckysblog said...

so cute. She reminds me a lot of my Avery.