Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a sweet ending

i will never forget this - even if i didn't record it on THE blog.
but i'll record it anyways...

our kids don't sleep in our bed with us. ever.
for a number of reasons.
but the biggest is that if they are there, I can't sleep.
and if i can't sleep, it's not good for anyone.
there have been times...bad dreams, etc. where a child has ended up in bed with us in the middle of the night.
but, now, after too many of those nights, the older kids know to drag their sleeping bags with them and they can sleep on the floor of our room. i have no issue with that! (i DO have a heart :-) i just need my sleep)
and, there are mornings with newborns, when they wake up at 5 am and i just can't be "up", that we both climb back in bed together for a few minutes.

but, as a rule, our kids don't sleep in bed with us.

i had THE sweetest 30 minutes last night.

pat had a soccer game at 9:45 pm.
so, when i woke sawyer up at 10 pm to feed him before i went to bed, it was just he and i in our bed. (i always bring him to my bed to feed him).
after he was done eating, i turned the light off, and we both cuddled down under the warm covers.
he was SO asleep, mouth hanging open, drool puddle forming on my shirt, where he was laying in the crook of my arm.
i didn't sleep. but i knew i wouldn't til pat got home around 11 anyways.
i felt like my heart was going to burst.
there's nothing quite like one of those moments.
oh, i savored it.
and then i took him back to his bed and i went back to mine.
i'm pretty sure i went to sleep with a smile on my face :-)

what a sweet ending to my day.


Katy said...

i'm with you. they get so big so fast. mine wouldn't sleep with me even if I tried to make them i think. we all like our own beds. but every now and then, you get one of those moments and you just want to freeze time. where they are all cuddled up on you, totally at peace and relaxed and your heart just swells. LOVE it!

Jenkins said...

I agree about the munchkins sleeping in our bed but there is nothing like snuggling up with precious ones. Wishing those moments could last longer.

It makes me laugh to think of him asleep, mouth open and drool! He is just so cute.

Alden and Dorian said...

Okay, so I am blubbering...not just tears rolling down my cheeks....that is so sweet. And we moms...all of us moms... totally relate to your sweet time. Nothing like a precious sleeping child. I love you for savoring the precious moments of your baby. You will never regret it. I still cherish mine. Thank you Lord for the privilege of being a mom.

I love you Courtney, Mom

Michelle said...

I'm with you and the sleep thing, I don't need anyone in our bed but there is Nothing like snuggling with your baby in bed, especially when they are this little because it won't last, it's so wonderful.

Tisha said...

Those are the moments! Precious, precious moments.
Love the comment from your mom (as ALWAYS) too! What amazing ladies the two of you are.
Hope you had a very, very happy Thanksgiving, Courtney! I'm truly thankful for you.