Tuesday, November 11, 2008

how many pairs of shoes do you have??

some of you might give up on me.
i'm a bit all over the place here.
but...in my last Runner's World (or maybe a couple ago - i'm always behind) there was this LITTLE blurb about how you can donate your used tennis shoes to this organization - soles4souls.
i got EXCITED.
had this vision of collecting hundreds of pairs of shoes and packaging them up and mailing them to Africa. (seemed PERFECT - since i love running and all)
i started researching.
and realized that you can no longer send ACTUAL shoes - just donate money.
which is great and all - it just wasn't what i had gotten excited about.

then, this whole thing with water4 christmas started and i jumped on that and put the shoe thing on hold in the back of my mind.

well, there are a couple blogs i am often challenged by when i read them and they (he and her) just posted on their sites a "new" challenge - 50,ooo shoes in 50 days!!! for every $5 you donate at soles4 souls, you buy 2 pairs of shoes! (that's GOT to be the cheapest pair of shoes you've ever bought - with the exception of those cheap flip-flops at Old Navy)

anyways, i just had to pass it along.
i love the cause.
and i love new shoes.

so, go.
buy someone some new shoes - that DON'T have any lined up in their closet!


Christy said...

Ok first off you're amazing---just overwhelmed by your philanthropy this week---oh my goodness I can't keep up! Love the shoe idea...love the milk thing-good grief I can't imagine making any more milk...that is SOOOO sweet of you!---then love the water thing too and just realized--are YOU making the shirts??? do YOU have an etsy site? Oh my gosh girl...truly amazing...really, you never cease to amaze me! LOVE YOU!!!

Tisha said...
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Tisha said...

Oh, I saw that too. So cool. Very inexpensive and practical way to give. So many good charities, so little time.....

Katy said...

i think you could solve all of the world's problems in a week courtney! maybe i should just rent you for a week to come to my house and get us all in line!! our branch of the ymca collects shoes and donates them to that same organization - it's so GREAT!