Wednesday, October 1, 2008

he might do better

i had a dentist appt this morning.
dropped rebekah off at school on my way.
pat stayed home til i got back (which is hard and a sacrifice for him - THANK YOU!)

when i walked in the door, this is what i see.
sawyer was taking a nap.
and he's reading to them.
i think he might do a better job at this than me...


Michelle said...

Not to take away from Pat, but it's something out of the ordinary for the kids and I'm sure he's not thinking about the long list of chores that await him at home, just the ones he has to do at work, which he can't do from home so why worry about it, have some fun with the kids while he can. Don't even stress about it.

Julie said...

I totally know what you are talking about! I go away for a bit and come home to a spotless house and the kids cheerful and snacks given etc...

I don't get it... and I always wonder how he does it.

Megan said...

I totally agree with Michelle. Pat wasn't worried about buying groceries, doing the dishes, sorting the laundry, etc, etc, etc. So I don't think he's better at it...he's just more single minded. What would happen if you just played with the kids and ignored all that other stuff?

Katy said...

If we could all just "be dad" for a day...sometimes I think they get all the fun stuff without any of the work...but i know that's not quite true (or fair). think of all the moments during the day that we as moms get to enjoy to ourselves. the questions, the hands on our knees, the "you're the best mommy" comments. wouldn't trade it...even though I have those jealous of dad moments every now and then! :)

and by the way - i see joshua in his Dallas gear for day he in mourning over their loss too???

veronica said...

I completely agree with Michelle and Katy! You are definitely feeling what we have all felt at some point in our hectic lives. Hang in there! I think once you feel like you have truly gotten back your schedule with excersise and running you will feel much better. You will get your daily dose of free therapy from all of us.

Beckysblog said...

Jordan has about 9 times more patience than I do. The kids would likely be better off with house would not.