Saturday, October 11, 2008


busy day ahead. woke up in tears. i just don't handle "extra" things well these days.

but, i've moved on.
no time for that.

we're splitting up in a lot of different directions.

i keep trying to put things in perspective. i know i'm being kind of irrational.
but i just keep coming back to all that isn't getting done that should be, all the attention i want to be giving my kids that i'm not.

and i hate how many times bailey has asked me (as she senses my tension): "mom, are you frusterated?" (that's not a typo - that's how she's says it - it's so cute, yet so sad that she understands)

i am frusterated.
but frusterated in a good way. (if that's possible)
i just want to do the best and be the best in all ways. and i can't. so i'm frusterated.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Oh Courtney. Hoping that your Sunday gave you a bit more rest and refreshment. We'd beat ourselves up if all we ever focused on was the negative and the things we don't get done. We're not perfect - not ANY of us - and can only do what we can do. And God's grace can fill in the gaps!