Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Rebekah: we had the first of what i believe will be MANY "heart to heart" talks with her last night. one of those "we love you so much, but we don't love what we're seeing" talks. she had a very open spirit when we talked, which was an answer to prayer.

Joshua: as fearful as he is about most things, you get that boy on wheels and he's CRAZY! rebekah got a scooter for her birthday. she likes to ride it up to school - and then joshua rides it home (so we don't have to lock it up or anything). he's a madman on that thing!

Bailey: her words are going to be her downfall. she NEVER stops talking. and that's just not good. it's going to get her in trouble. we have started a new thing in the morning. while i'm doing "school" with joshua, she's NOT ALLOWED TO SAY ONE WORD. for 15-20 minutes. it's amazing how hard it is for her. (and how nice it is for the rest of us!)

Sawyer: he's growing SO MUCH. i don't want him to. i love holding his whole little body in my arms. he hasn't slept through the night for a couple weeks. which is getting old. and i'm ready for more sleep. but i know it will pass soon. and i do love that quiet time in the night to just sit and be holding him.


Julie said...

question for you... I am trying to do school with Eli when he gets home from school.. ha ha, but english and motor skills, etc... and I was wondering what you do with your littler ones. I am having a hard time with Jasper while I try to do things with Eli. He is just standing next to the kitchen table screaming and wanting to do what we are doing. Any advice?

Beckysblog said...

Isnt it crazy? When I hear her cry in the night I could just about cry myself. But by the time I'm in her room holding her and rocking, I'm in heaven.
I want it to end, and I dont ever want it to end.

Katy said...

I love hearing where each of your sweet children are at. Rebekah - can't believe she's at the "heart-to-heart meeting age already". I know you're probably rolling your eyes at that. it just shows you how quickly they grow. joshua - that kid really is a madman on wheels. Still can't believe he was riding a two-wheeler when he was 3...or was it 2? That kid is amazing! bailey - 15 minutes without talking? does she really sit there quietly or go somewhere else where she can talk to herself? so funny. Sawyer - glad you're cherishing these last days and weeks (praying that it's the LAST of these days for you) with him and you - just the two of you...in the quiet of the night.