Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 miles!!!

ok. i'm totally going back on what i said yesterday...

i ran 2 miles this morning!!!

i'm stubborn.

sawyer woke up at 5 to nurse, and i knew i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep to get up again at 6:15 am, so i was out running at 5:30 am. it felt GREAT! seriously! but i was ready to be done after 2 miles (and then walked 1 1/2 miles).

remember how i carried sawyer SO LOW when i was pregnant with him?? well, the bones "down there" are not feeling very good...even 6 weeks later. every step i take, all day long, it hurts. (sorry for all the information - but i don't want you to think my "issue" is bigger than it is). the doctor basically doesn't know if it will heal itself over time (which i'm hoping for) or if i'll need to go see an orthopedic or something. she also didn't know if exercise would make it worse or better. so, we'll see.

i can already tell i'm going to be feeling this tomorrow (and probably even later today) but those endorphins sure do feel GREAT!!!


Holly said...

I TOTALLY had this problem - it's your pelvic bones but may feel like your hips?
I went to physical therapy and all they did was give me excersises to strengthen my abdomen - those are the muscles that support all those joints. I worked and now I have no problems!
Hope that helps and saves you the trip to the doctor (it took several weeks to get it all strong enough)

Julie said...

You are such a rock star! Good for you, you are inspiring me to go exercise later. Thanks.

Kim said...

becareful don't do to much... keep it up though just a slower speed ok...there are excercises you can do also, like holly said. do them if she gave them to you.

Leighann said...

I love runner's high. Sorry about your pelvic bone. I had tailbone issues after Ainsley. Hope advice helps.

jenn said...

Yay! Know that felt good - even through the pain. Hope you are feeling 100% soon! :)

Katy said...

WOW - that runner's high felt GREAT, didn't it? Good for you!!! Beth told me about this post today and I was so mad that I hadn't read it yet! :) So glad it felt good...or at least mentally good!!! Hoping you got a nap today to compensate! :)

veronica said...

Yeah! Maybe you'll be back with us sooner than you think! You are missing good conversations lately about the politics. Have a great day.