it's not turning out well.
sundays have really gotten to be special around here. we really try to just enjoy the Lord and each other. we try not to do chores. we really try to REST.
well, i am still expecting them to feel so RESTFUL...but with 4 kids (and the youngest being under 3 weeks old), it's just not possible and it's been frustrating me all day and it's all because of my expectations. i just need to let it go. so i have to do a couple loads of laundry. so i have to sweep the floor...a couple times. there's always 3 meals to feed to 5 people (and lots of feedings for Sawyer). there's always bottoms to wipe. there's always rooms to pick up. there's always dishes to wash. i just need to let it go and do it and not let it frustrate me today.
pat's going to be gone 3 of 5 nights this week...and that is making my week seem overwhelming also. but i need to take things one day (or hour) at a time. (i'm preaching to myself here, sorry.) i also have some really special things to look forward to this week. i'll try and focus on those.
but really i just want to cry.
sorry. it's Sunday...again.
I know I typically complain about my Mondays but I have to admit that Sundays have been and continue to be my hardest day at this stage of life - they are just so hard that I don't even want to talk about it. Even reading your heart on the matter gets me all upset for my own Sundays.
I dream of the day, and I think we both know our day will come sooner than we know, that we will be able to have those roasts in the crockpot, fresh bread to add, naps in the afternoon and family time at night - for now, it's the mess and screaming but our time is coming and boy will be sweet!
Hang in there it will get better, I feel the same way but it is only for a season, one that feels like it's going on forever, but with the Lord's help you will find your strength and he will calm your heart.
THIS is why this is such a tiring season of life. it never stops! if you just decide to let the dishes wait, then there's a ZILLION of them at the next meal. if you decide NOT to sweep after lunch, then the toddler is eating off the floor by dinner time...let it go ONE more day and then I'll take care of it FOR you!!! Looking forward to loving on you and your sweet kids. Hang in there!
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