Wednesday, August 6, 2008

mother's instinct

we made it through the day yesterday...on a 3 hour feeding schedule. which meant Sawyer had one less feeding during the day. so he woke up an extra time last night. not exactly what i was hoping for. but i'm going to stick to my guns, at least for one more day, and hope that he does a longer stretch tonight. if not, i might have to reconsider.

when bailey walked in my room this morning, she looked so pale to me. then, all she did for the next hour was this...which is VERY unlike Bailey.

i didn't give her any breakfast and just gave her a little bit of water. it didn't stay down. so, looks like it's shaping up to be quite a day!


ali said...

oh know. I hope its just a fast bug and no one else gets it. so much for 50-50. Hang in there.
I cleaned up throw up this a.m. too. mason was sick last night just from a congested cough, but oh so smelly this morning. GROSS!

Beckysblog said...

Oh no Courtney!!!!

Judi said...

Poor Bailey! I always felt sad for my little ones were they were sick. I'll be praying for healing and that it doesn't travel through the family. You guys are constantly in my thoughts and prayers girl!!!

Katy said...

OH no - I hope it's just a fluky thing that she's over today. Praying for NO THROW UP!!!!