i'm excited for her to be home all day. i really can't wait.
but...i know the dynamics will change A LOT around here. and i'm enjoying my last week with just these 2 little ones at home with me.
after we do school/chores, i normally let them watch a show while i take a shower. bailey NEVER watches TV. she always follows me upstairs, brings books into the bathroom, and is right with me. it's cute (and slightly annoying, i'll admit - what i wouldn't give to take a shower and get ready all by myself!)
this morning we ran errands for 2 hours...this was the first stop - getting our car inspected (they got slurpees for having to wait so long - and doing it without complaining)
and then ended our morning at the library for story time. how cute are they??
in 1 week our lives will change some. and in 5 weeks, it will change even more. i'm soaking in the "normalcy" of today...
Hi Courtney! We're thinking about planning a very last minute anniversary trip. I wondered if you could tell me a little about Myrtle Beach and Charleston. If you have the time, my email is cormee at cox.net Thanks!
YES - enjoy these days with the two of them. These two "little" ones will very quickly become two "big" ones in a few weeks! Our storytime session just ended last week, and I TOTALLY should have taken a picture. They absolutely love it - totally look forward to Tuesdays. It starts back up for the summer session at the end of the month, so I'll have to remember. And we have to get our car inspected next week - I'm going to use the slurpee idea!!!
They are so adorable. I love the fact you had your camera with you too. Thanks for inspiring me in my blogging and giving me "guilt" free scrapbooking and loads of fun memories! You are a star!
Ah yes, dear Courtney....I love how you take in the moment AND have the vision for tomorrow. You are a special lady ~ wise and caring. This will be QUITE the summer, won't it?! It is fun to be on this "ride" with you. I love you and pray for God's hand to be on you each and every day. I remember........and appreciate. Love,
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