Monday, June 2, 2008

monday morning

my titles are getting very boring - just days of the week. sorry.

the weekends are so fun. i LOVE having Pat home and all the fun activities we do (or just the chores we get checked off) - no matter what we do, it just seems more fun since we're all together.

BUT...there's just something about monday morning. i'm a routine person. and i love waking up monday morning and just stepping back into our routine. it feels good. and i'm really enjoying my new "relaxed" exercise routine too. don't get me wrong, i saw some women finishing up their run this morning and stared, longingly, at them. i can't wait to get back into it. but i know i can't do that now, and i'm enjoying our little walks after we drop rebekah off at school in the morning. and our little walks in the afternoon to the playground - not 3 miles, just 1. it's nice.

off to clean bathrooms and then go to the gym to swim. routine, routine, routine...


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I love those routines. My wife is brilliant at helping us fine normalcy through the schedules.

Tisha said...

Ditto. We don't dread Monday mornings around here either, even after a nice weekend.
And, swimming is THE BEST exercise when you're pregnant!!! Enjoy!

Katy said...

Totally with you - sometimes just a regular day of laundry isn't so bad when your kids are in their normal groove! :)

Debbie said...

I like Mondays for the same reason...only in about two weeks that whole routine is gonna change when school lets out. I'm already trying to plan for that!