Monday, May 19, 2008

exercise at 32 weeks

this morning was my last morning walking. i still plan on going for walks around the neighborhood with the kids...just not walking mock 80 at 5:45 in the morning. partly to get a little more rest in the morning (but, really, i'll just stay up later reading so i won't really get more sleep), but mostly because the pounding on my pelvic bones is just becoming too much.

i still plan on swimming 3 days a week.

this is very hard for me, mentally, to give these things up. exercise has become such a part of my "mental" health in this crazy, stressful job called "motherhood." but i think, at this point, it's doing more harm than good. i'm trying to be wise (and Pat is helping me be rational - i think i would still be running if he wasn't helping talk me through it!)

this is best - for my body. for my family. for NOW.


The Faircloth Five said...

Courtney, you KNOW I completely understand how you're feeling. TRUST ME! Just remember....this is temporary, you will be able to go back to running and working out a lot very soon. It sounds like swimming is the perfect thing for you right now at 7 1/2 months pregnant. No stress on your joints and you get to do it later in the mornings. I am proud of you for listening to your body and knowing what is best for you at this stage. Good job, Pat, on helping her out! Girls are not always able to think clearly. Way to go, Courtney!!!

Katy said...

It's not for very much longer!! You NEED your rest, and you NEED your energy for the rest of the day. (I know, you need your mental sanity too....) Are you still painting? I know you'll miss the outlet that running/walking provides - swimming will be a great fill in, and maybe you can come up with some fabulous new painting projects in the meantime. And thanks Pat, for keeping her rational in these last irrational weeks of pregnancy!

Holly said...

just think, all the calories you will burn during labor will more than make up for the lost weeks!