Friday, May 9, 2008

according to Pat

according to my husband, i appear "bi-polar" on this blog.

well, it's how it feels lately.

one minute i can't take one more kid touching me and the next i'm going to look for them because they are actually playing nicely and i want to be with them.

last night i couldn't WAIT til they were in bed. and then, 30 minutes later i'm creeping into each of their rooms because i needed to touch them just once more...

i don't know if it's bipolar or what. it's driving us all crazy. but, it's really what's going on and i'm trying my best to stay as "even" as i can.


Tisha said...

Of course. You are pregnant. I personally think that you are totally normal. I was when I was pregnant (and often still am)the very same way. You live in the Land of Raging Hormones right now and you will have a beautiful baby to show for it!

Holly said...

"even" is SOOOO over rated!

Katy said...

That's so funny - it's all about trying to maintain the balance, right? Hilarious - and I think you're just "even" like the rest of us.