Thursday, April 17, 2008

another trip to the red barn

veronica- i can't thank you enough for telling us about this barn - it's one of our favorite places to go! we took some other neighbors there today for a picnic lunch. FUN!!
the kids: Brooke, Sophie, Joshua, Bailey and Craig

does this girl stop your heart like she does mine??

heading home for naps...


Pall Mall Cigarettes said...

Admiration and interest were my first feelings when I’ve entered your blog. It is indeed the most remarkable creation I’ve ever seen! Moreover, your manner of writing and the photos are absolutely fine and I think everyone would agree with my words. All this made me immediately add the blog to my links. Thank you very much for such a marvelous web page and I will surely enter it again!

jenn said...

umm - joshua looks SO TALL in that picture by the water. hopefully it is really just an optical illusion and he isn't growing up SO fast ;)!!!

Katy said...

You're going to have to promise to take us there the next time we come to visit!