Friday, March 14, 2008

Kenny's new song

stay with me here. don't "check out" just because i'm talking about Kenny Chesney again. i heard a new duet this morning with him and Reba McIntire. it was very sad. called "every other weekend" - about a couple that obviously had kids then got divorced and remember what they were "every other weekend."

at first i thought, "well, this is the first Kenny song i HATE". but, then, i kept thinking, and changed my mind. it's not my favorite song, by any means. but i decided to use it to pray.

isn't the statistic that 50% of couples get divorced?? that means that songs applies to 1/2 of the country. SAD.

our pastor often reminds us that we are ALL sinful creatures, NONE of us are righteous, and we are ALL capable of UGLY, UGLY sins. i love my husband so much. there are days where we hardly get to have a conversation and all we do is say, "i love you" as we're going to bed. there are days where i don't like things he does. but divorce IS NOT an option. it never enters my mind (i'm not lying.) BUT i do not want to think that we're "above" that for some reason. i want to use all this to be on my knees BEGGING God to help us to glorify Him with our marriage. not just that we don't get divorced. but that we SEEK Him every day and show others His love through our relationship. i pray this often in myself. i pray it often for my children.

this new song reminded me that i need to pray often for my marriage. and for the many strong marriages around me. the devil (the real thing this time, not the flu!) would love to raise that percentage even higher. but he's not gonna win sir.

so, if you hear that song. let it remind you to pray.

back to packing...


Michelle said...

I will pray for yours, as I pray for mine every night. I thank God every night for the husband that he chose for me and that he would put his armor of protection around us so that we may not become a statistic and satisfy the enemy, because the enemy would want nothing more than to see our marriage fail and our family torn apart. I pray that even in the bad times, we will rejoice in God and know that when it's over our marriage will be stronger for it. God hears our prayer as long as we do our part and saying I Love You before bed is a huge part of it. I am all to aware of how we can get caught up in the dailyness of life and forget the most important relationships.

Katy said...

Good for you, Courtney. For allowing God to penetrate your heart and cause you to focus on things like this - in the midst of flu, sick kids, packing for trips, etc. You are absolutely right - there is probably nothing more important that would change our society than to lower that divorce rate. The sad thing is that it's 50% of non-Christians, and 52% of marriages in the church!!! Crazy.

Debbie said...

What a great post. I cannot add anything. It was just a great post. Plain and simple.