Tuesday, March 25, 2008

exercise status

this is more for my sake - so i'll have it "written" somewhere. but maybe someone else is curious...

up until this point, i haven't had to change my "exercise routine". for the last year, i've run 5 days a week. 4 of the days we run about 4 miles. and 1 day we run longer - normally 6 but i did get up to 10 miles a couple weeks. since mid-summer last summer, i've also been swimming 3 days a week. i've been able to keep this routine up so far in my pregnancy. (although i have gotten SLOWER in my running pace and the ladies are very patient with me).

this week i officially have cut out a day of running. i told myself i was going to for 3 weeks, but then i would still go out. i decided to tell the ladies so that i would actually NOT go out. this morning was my first Tuesday missing the run. sad. we run hills on Tuesday morning - so i decided that was the first one i'd cut out (;-))

i am going to add a day of walking on wed morning (normally my morning off) with a neighbor.

just want to remember the details of this pregnancy...


Cassie said...

well that is just amazing! (but kind of embarrassing for me!!) good for you. i'm sure you'll be able to get right back into it once baby arrives!

by the way, i wanted to encourage you a little bit with the milk donation thing. it DID take me a while, but it could have gone faster. i'm certain you could be up and running 4-6 weeks after delivery if you get right on it. the biggest wait is getting blood work done and DNA processed. that takes 3 weeks. but the company is VERY fast and efficient when moving you through each of the steps. they send things almost immediately when you request them. i have been very impressed with how smoothly things are run! good luck!!

Holly said...

I'm impressed in general, it's an inspiration!

Katy said...

It is AMAZING that you have kept it up this long. But yes, DEFINITELY time to cut out a day. You deserve it!! :)