just a few "summary" points from my week:
-i've realized that i never wear anything other than flip flops. i have a couple "real" pairs of summer shoes - but i think i've worn them twice all summer. why do i even have them?
-i haven't done ONE thing on my normal "daily chore list" all week. my house is a disaster. oh well.
-the hour that i had my root canal was the most relaxing, calm hour of my week. i laid there, in a chair, with my dad's ipod on and listened to worship music and almost fell asleep. it was GREAT. i don't know what the big deal is about them - but i didn't think it was bad!
I listened to Nichole Nordeman and Jeremy Camp on Bob's Ipod when I had mine...I turned it up loud enough not to hear any drilling! After the novacaine, it's a piece of cake...
Something tells me that your house isn't REALLY a disaster!!!! And I'm with you on the flip flop thing - although Good Morning America had this segment on flip flops the other day when I was running. About how it's all anyone wears anymore and now everyone's feet are all messed up because there's no arch support, etc, etc. I'm like - come, on - they are flip flops!!!
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