pat is in a flag football league. it makes him very happy. he LOVES football. we got to go watch his game yesterday. the kids were more interested in playing on the playground...and i was taking a newly potty-trained little girl to the bathroom multiple times, so i didn't get to actually WATCH much of the game but it was fun to be there.
bailey only had 2 accidents yesterday. and she pooped on the potty yesterday AND this morning (sorry for those of you that don't have kids - this might seem ridiculous - but those of you with kids realize HOW BIG a deal this is!)
had precious friends over for dinner last night - great to catch up.
we are going to the late church this morning because 2 families that we know are dedicating their families in that service. we have re-evaluated what we're going to do with the rest of the day and are going to try to make it more restful than productive - we're all feeling exhausted-physically and mentally - from the past week.
Good job Bailey ~ we are soooooo proud of you! You too mom!!!! I hope your Sunday was restful. Good job for switching gears to REST. I love you.
Sounds like a GREAT afternoon all together. And way to go Bailey - what a big girl she is!! I bet she LOVES being like the other big kids. Sounds like she's doing great!!!
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