Tuesday, September 4, 2007

more of today

how i survived today...the prayer, my diet coke from chick fil a, and cookies (which the dough ended up being my dinner - yum)

this was rebekah as she told me about her day. obviously, she could hardly contain herself. she was literally bouncing in her chair. she had a great day. me, well, it's almost over.

and then we went to gymnastics and home to eat and get baths and get ready for shepherd group. can't wait to hit the pillow tonight.

i have my root canal tomorrow morning - another great day!


Heather said...

I am so thrilled Rebekah enjoyed her 1st day of school. That is fabulous!! The cookies look yummy. What a great mom you are!

Katy said...

At least it helps a bit that she is having such a ball and enjoying it so much!!!! She was just radiant!! :) You, on the other, were probably exhausted from all the emotion of the day! And first day of gymnastics yesterday too - what a day is right!!!! Good luck with the root canal this AM!!!